Archive | February 2018

Escape from the Workhouse

“Light’s out, immediately!” Matron snipped like a pair of scissors. As she padded out of the dormitory, my thoughts began to pace through my mind. Beads of sweat trickled down my forehead.  I wished and wished I could escape this hellish place; it was impossible. My mouth dried at the thought of all the beatings I would get if I was caught.

As the matron trotted down the hallway like a pig, I found my time to slink out of the dormitory. When I thought it was safe, I raced down the corridor.  To my surprise, Matron was patrolling the hallway. I was trapped.  Adrenaline pulsed through my body at top speed.  A dim pool of light lit up the dingy corridor, morphing the hall into a spectre.  Darting in the shadows, I stayed hidden from Matron , but not for long. Because the matron was heading for my hiding spot, I ran to a door, which stood in front of me like an army general. Was it locked? It was.  When Matron returned to the  dormitory, I began to tug on the locked door with all my might. Eventually , after  an impossible amount of heaving and huffing, the door moaned open. Freedom. It was only a few steps away. I crept through the door. Fresh air surrounded me ; it felt like I had never seen the city.

The cries of the city made my ears bleed, but it felt so good. The black gate loomed over me, and it felt like I could never be free, although I knew I had to plough through. Attempting to pick the lock, I grabbed a pin off the floor, and the lock was ready. The gate creaked, and I took my first step of freedom.

By Daisy

Escaping from the workhouse…

Like a ghost, the dim light of the Matron`s candle flickered as she checked we were all in our hard, unhygenic beds., and I wished her 5-minute round would be over already. I breathed heavily when she went out the door, as to make her think I was asleep. I bit my lip as she left, feeling a rush of adrenalin take over my brain. I waited a couple of seconds, just to make sure everybody was asleep, then I crept over to the door, taking one last glance at the place I had slept for the past 2 years.

Out in the corridor, I sneaked past the dining hall, machine room and laundry room , and I noticed how empty it seemed after everyone was dreaming. It felt like an empty shell. A ghost of what it was. I tiptoed carefully into the punishment room ( you can guess by the name ) and I felt like I was surrounded y and unfamiliar aura of torture and pain, so I walked out of the room as fast as I could, trying to leave the feeling of being watched behind.

The moonlight was a beam of freedom, guiding me to a future of hope. I snaked along the corridors, making sure not to be seen. At the end of the corridor, the master`s door stood, looming over me. I froze in the shadows, as I saw the doorknob slowly, slowly turning, making my worst fear come to life: getting caught.                                                             “It was nothing! Phew, it was just my old ears.” the wheezing old Master said to himself. He went back inside, and I dared myself to breathe again. I ran out of the end door, breathing in a lungful of fresh air. I hadn`t been outside in years, so it was like a refreshing drink on a hot day. The snow was soft and cold, and I ran for everything I had endured. I ran for life. For hope. For me.

I stepped through the wide bars, and I gulped a first breath.                        A breath of freedom.

By Caragh

Escape from the Workhouse!

This was my chance. Laying in my dorm and slipping out of my bed, I rolled over. I began to gaze around,my eyes straining to see if everyone was  sleeping .Amused, I slid the door the corridor.

Although dust filled my lungs, I kept going afraid. Beyond the wall, freedom I could sense it the sent of the city, the buzzing of life like a distant memory so far yet so close. Easily, I could run back into my dorm and pretend it never happend but no I had to keep going. Touching the ice cold walls, as my footsteps echoed through them i knew nothing could stop me. I began to jog then run then sprint I took a sharp left and fell to the ground. Bang.“Get that child,”the master bellowed. Shocked I got to my feet,  like a bemused child and hid behind the door ,which was standing in front of me.

Footsteps, dark evil footsteps getting louder, angrier and closer.”Where are you boy?”the Workhouse lord questioned steaming with fury.Wanting to run, I withdrew terrified I was a child being ripped apart burnt to the crisp.without a warning the  master burst through the door making me wince. Cold beads of sweat trickled down my forehead. No I will be caught  pushing all thoughts from my brain I kept going. Slipping out of the office,my ugly, brown jumper got caught on a candle pulling free the candle fell to the floor making a loud clatter.

I dived into the shadows instantly invisible my palms were sweating like seas the distant sound of footsteps echoed down the corridor. I’d lost him. My eyes darted around, and I Carried on rushing through to the matrons office.Taking short glares to check  for anyone. Bursting out of the door I ran down the gravel towards the gate.

The sun was beginning to show casting a shadow over me, the gate,which terrified me and many other children, loomed over me in it’s black figure. My plan was coming together, I was at the gate. One more movement and I would be free. Pulling at it, my muscles strained. Locked. I fell to my knees; I put my head in my hands, but then it came to me, I could slide in between the bars! I did exactly that and in one small movement I was a cat sliding through to my freedom. I was free.

By Hattie

Escaping the Workhouse

Silent . Dead silent was the room . My heart was racing the stench of gruel around my dry lips I didn’t know a thing of what was going to happen all I new is that I had hope pure hope . With feet like lead, I struggled out of my bed and onto the cold wooden floor the splinters were daggers piecing my skin . The rusty, iron bars creaked ; they blocked the last bit of freedom I had, but knot for long if my plan succeeded .

On to the cobbled corridor, I was exhausted it was hard to handle the pressure I felt like I was going to pass out . My mouth was a desert my palms were a sea I was terrified . Tiptoeing gingerly, I finally found the key to the backdoor then I wondered about what would happen if I got caught, but I didn’t let the fears get to me .

Stuttering,I unlocked the looming door ,which  stood in front of me, surrounded by oil lamps . I stopped because I heard a crow like voice at the masters office.
“There’s a boy missing!”the old witch screeched . I had to run so I did ,but I forgot the door screamed . Bang!

I saw freedom, heard freedom, smelt freedom,yet I had know time for fun . Until I left those gates, I was knot happy . Sprinting, I couldn’t catch my breathe I was nearly there I heard London .
“Come back here you maggot!”the old hag shouted . I looked back and…Crash! My face hit the snow since I fumbled over . This could be it I thought , but I scrambled to my feet ,and legged it for my life, freedom and for Tip.

I was near . Near to getting my life back.There it was the grand gate with it’s rusty bars and creaky hinges . The gate to hell and gate to freedom . Looking back at the gate I walked through all those months ago. I took a step .

I was free!

By Sonny



Escape from the workhouse!

As the wind sent a draft through the ice, cold dormitory, I knew that this was my chance. A rush of fear was let loose inside my body. This was it. I had to do this. I stepped down on to the hard stone floor, and I got down onto my hands and knees. Should I really be doing this? No this is the workhouse your in. Crawling along the grotty floor, I knew that this wasn’t going to be easy.

As the door moaned open, I silently crept out. The corridor was faintly lit with candle light. Beads of trickled down my spine as I crawled down the old, dusty corridor. Amongst the shadows, there was the laundry basket just outside Matrons office. Shadows were making me flinch; I needed to do this. I took all of the laundry out of the basket. Footsteps could be heard. I got in just in time.

“This is heaver than usual,” grunted the house keeper. Sweat was pouring down my forehead. Around me were dirty clothes. Like I was falling, the basket dropped onto the floor. The house keeper was loading some washing into the bowl; he went to get the other basket. With my mouth a desert, I knew I didn’t have long before he would come back.

I saw the hole in the wall leading to freedom. Stuck. I was stuck. I could hear the house keeper’s footsteps seconds away. Should I be doing this? No, this is the workhouse, I need to escape. I squeezed through. He was opening the door. I made a run for it at that moment, and I had one more obstical to cross. The gate.

Walking along the damp, cold path, I could hear my hear my heart pounding like a drum. There it was. Right in front of me. Freedom. Grabbing onto the gate, I knew I far now. I had done it! I had escape from the workhouse and breathed in the fresh miles of air.

By Alice

Escape from the workhouse.

10…11…12,Big ben’s chime had echoed through London. This was my chance. This was my great escape at the very start.

Swiftly, I rolled out of my old manure smelling bed and checked the Matron on duty was still asleep. She  was, even though she was meant to be watching us. Careful not to step on the creaky floorboards , I tiptoed to the door ; said my goodbyes to the dark windowless dorm, yet I don’t know why I did. I slipped out of the door.

The corridor was dark and gloomy. Was this still a good idea? My brain decided I should keep going . Eyes darting around at all times, I took a few steps forward . Each step was a step closer to freedom . The corridor spread far and wide . Shadows danced on the walls. Keep going I told myself .

Every little noise was danger . My mouth was dry . My neck was a sea from cold sweat. I ran . I ran for my life , not even caring about all the splinters my feet were collecting . Fortinately, there were lot’s of shadows to hide, in just in case .I could see daylight now . One more step , and I was out . Although it was really cold , it didn’t bother me .Well why would it , I was on my way to freedom.

The cold crisp breeze hit my face , I had a heavy feeling in my stomach.I could see it , there it was , standing , waiting for me .The big iron gates were the only thing stopping me now .Gazing out at the open world like a new born baby, I stood in the shadows , leaving the torture place behind me . I grabbed the gates and a tingle of happiness down my spine ; I could hear the city calling my name .The gates were rusty and they were creaking in the howling wind like a cat waiting for it’s dinner .My palms were sweating and I could hear my wild thing thudding in my chest . I opened the gate …oomph, what’s happened , I’ve come all this way ,and now i’m  going to be beaten to bit’s …I turned around to see if someone  was after me, phew , it was just my jumper that got caught on the gate . Struggling , I tugged on my jumper ,but the gate started to rattle !

”  Oy , you boy,” someone was after me . I just had to tug …My itchy  jumper ripped .I WAS FREE!

By Erin

Escaping from the Workhouse

“Light’s out you filthy beasts, now get to bed ! ” matron snapped as she came through the door  with a candle in her hand checking everyone was asleep. This  was Robert’s chance, he was ready to escape this living hell. Slowly matron moved into the next room like a levitating phantom. Focused and determined, he was ready to escape the dormitory ; he tiptoed out into the vast corridors.

Even though, he could be caught at any moment he was fearless, every so often he did get a rush of adrenaline but he put a brave face on. Tension built up in his mind. oh no! he heard a voice “Ha, I have caught you boy !” Mr Sharp boomed. petrified Robert turned around to find out it wasn’t him in trouble it was William Brown he had followed him !  Fortunatley  Robert was in the shadows invisible.

Like an escaping convict, he slowly crept through the corridors staying in the shadows. He could feel the coldness of the stone floor gripping him. He was nervous as he was making his way towards the gate. He stopped to have a look at the gates to freedom thick, iron bars with points at the top so no one could EVER escape ivy overpowering the walls that were towering over him. Then he looked at the workhouse this horrible hell of a place that he would never see again. “Oi, you boy escapings da workhouses are we ” the man shouted. His  blood ran cold as he grabbed Roberts ear hard, it hurt so much that Roberts hit the man and the man slowly let go as Robert ran off through the gates into the world of freedom.

By Lily

Workhouse escape

Silence. I’d been planning it for months now. The escape.

Like an early Christmas present, I peeled back the sheets intent with excitement and suspense. As darkness surrounded me, I stifled a cough. I looked around and I knew this was the last time I would see the room, a pang suddenly leapt across my heart . No don’t be silly  this was the Workhouse, I told myself . The floorboards came alive beneath my feet they moaned and groaned. I twisted the door handle and stepped out side into the corridor. Was this the right choice ? A flash of doubt crossed my mind. No, I had to carry on .

My eyes widened at the thought of being caught ; my legs turned to led but I had to keep going. Suddenly, I heard familiar footsteps , the clomp of the Masters boots . I was going to get caught , but there was still a chance; I quickened my pace. My mouth was a desert, and a cold sweat trickled down my back . Out of nowhere, my shirt caught on a nail . I was stuck. A spell of dizziness suddenly came over me .This was it I was done for. I clumsily fumbled with my shirt buttons making a last effort. The last one was I free?  It took an age to undo , my breath was a hurricane in my ears . Steps were coming closer and a candle light led the way looking out of place in the dark, dingy corridor . My shirt fell of me , I was free! I legged it down the corridor eager to get away from the footsteps .I wrestled with the door nob till I heard a satisfying  click . As my feet made contact with the cobbles, I felt a shiver go up my spine .Freedom, that’s  what I saw miles of busy bustling streets rich and poor wandered about unaware of the child behind the looming gates , smoke lingered around the building blocking my vision . The gates stood royal and loyal . They reflected peoples gloom and misery. I took a step  forward , freedom.

By Connie

Escape from the workhouse

Escape. All I could think about was escape. Nothing more, I could feel it in my bones. Freedom. “We thank god for our food,” prayed the other children in the workhouse, as we were having our disgusting gruel with moldy bread. I needed to get away from here; I needed opportunity and soon. SMASH. That was the third this week and the bad thing is that they never clear them up. Suddenly, I noticed the back door was open, this was my chance!

I creeped under the table and carefully heading to the door. Then my knee hit a broken plate, Ouch! With blood dripping, I said to myself “Carry on going!” So I carried on heading to the open door. Finally, I was outside I sprinted to the black iron gates with knives on the top screaming “GO AWAY!” With my heart thumping, sweat dripped down my palms. Like a prisoner behind bars, I shook the gates waiting for them to open. Thankfully they opened.

I took my first step out of the workhouse, and I could   feel some one pulling on my dress. They had caught me and I knew it. I turned around … and luckily it was just the gate! I thought to myself I couldn’t be here any longer.Suddenly, I saw a trail of blood after that broken plate. I was still stuck on the gate then, out of nowhere the Matron shouted “Hey you, come back here!”I tried to untangle myself before she got me. I was stuck. Luckily,I got and ran. Ran for freedom. As soon as i got out I could smell the fresh air of London. I was free!

By Maya

Escaping the Workhouse

” Lights out ,”shouted the Matron. My head hit my pillow. In the room it was as black as a black hole. Should I go ? I slowly slithered out of my bed at the end of my dormitory. As I slowly walked across the extremely creaky floor board. Suddenly one of the children rolled over but he didn’t wake up ; I still creapt on. at the end of the dormitory . I saw it there it was the door. Like a speedy dog , I ran out of the dormitory. I did it! I really did it!



I walked across the shadowy, jet black and gloomy corridor. Soon later I saw a glowing candle light coming from the stair case. What should I do? so then I ran to the nearest door. it was the masters office. I could hear footsteps walking towards the office door. As I peeped through the key hole. I saw him. It was the master I ran behind the door. He had opened it. I slipped through the open door and ran for it. There it was the gate. I slipped through. I made it.


I was FREE!!!


by Rupert

Escape the workhouse!

“Light out Maggots except from you, Ralph come down and wash the pots!” I wondered if there’s some type of trap . “Ok miss,” Painfully, wragged  my ear and pulled me down the stairs . Like a owl, I yelled “ow!”

“Shut up boy now!” I daren’t respond back to her.

After hours of hard work, the pots were shining like gold ; the walls were cobbled it made the room look dull, the tap had burns all over it. I saw a door glaring behind me. A rush of thought’s ran through my head. Straining my eyes, on the oak scraggy door I recognized  that there was a small silver key in the door, but I saw a candlelight shining through the keyhole. The evil masters footstep’s sent fire down my throat. “Oh no what shall I do? I no hide behind the door,”

“Anyone in here?” As, he went in I snidely sneaked out of the door. As I went in the clear air, I couldn’t here a pin drop. Crunching under my feet was the cobbled street surrounding me was pitch black air. Standing there ground was the grand giant gates, the poles were four fat children stuck together, there was as tall,as to Big Bens stuck on top of each other. It was telling me to yank them open. Like a mouse who found food, I inched forward, and forward. “Woah, what was that!” The stairs was covered in blood from my knee. “Hey who’s that!” I was limping. My knee was bleeding. I was stuck. I yanked my leg and yanked it again there it was. My life was danger. I saw a shadow chasing me. “Hey stop there boy!” I pulled the gate with all might. I just made rattling noises. ” Open open please!” There I was. Freedom.

By Ralph

Escape from the workhouse!

10…11…12. Big Ben’s chime echoed through London. I was in my cold, rusty bed as the raindrops smashed in the window pane waking me up like i had a blood curdling nightmare. Its time. I need to wake up. I have to escape…

Footsteps approached my bed, it was matron on her daily routine to see if you’re still awake. I could see the lantern’s light through the slits in my eyes, enticing me to open them. I kept them closed. She trudged off to the next bed. The big, old brass door was slightly ajar, this was my chance. Would I? Could I? As I slid out of my bed and stood in the shadows, gingerly walking over to the door, I slipped through to the blackness of the corridor.

The corridor was damp and musty and it hung around me with a foul stench. I quickened my pace to a slow jog, then a sprint. Before I knew it I was standing, staring at the rusty, iron gate, the moon casting a ghostly glow on the cobbled path.

As quick as a flash, I ran across the cobbled path, using all my power and strength to reach the iron gate. I searched for gaps in the gate until I found a small hole, small enough for a boy like me to fit through. I jumped and as I tried to get through to the streets of London, I stopped abruptly. A cold bead of sweat ran down my spine, I was stuck. I could hear shouting of fury racing through my ears, the footsteps closing in on me. With all my remaining strength, I hurled myself through the gate, I was free!

by Eddie and Rehan

Escaping the Workhouse.

“Lights out, maggots”At that point, my head  the pillow and I felt a spring pop up and hit the side of my ear. ( It felt like a warm knife swipe across my face. ) This doesn’t feel like the night to do it. But I need to. My leg twitched until it couldn’t twitch any more. Cold beads of sweat ran down my forehead like water pouring out of a jug. I need to do it.

Although I didn’t want to, I forced myself to sit up.My foot slid out of my bed “BANG” my foot bashed the iron bars. Footsteps. I could hear footsteps getting closer and closer. It was the Matron, I swear it was. I slid my foot back in and lent down as quick as I could. She opened the door that stood grand and tall. ” Hey, are one of you awake?” the Matron took big strides down the middle of the ally way then she paused, I could feel her breathing on me. “Never mind” the Matron made her way out. She was like a blister on someones foot. The Matron didn’t properly close the door. was this my time?I thought it was…

As the door was closing, I snook out. I was in the corridor that led to the workhouse gate. ” Creak Creak Creak ” moaned the floor boards as I took every step. I was getting closer to the exit now. It smelt like London from here.

by Ellie

Escape from the Workhouse!

Is everyone asleep? Is this the right time ?  Is this even a good idea ?   Yes I thought ,as I slowly crawled out of the creaky bed ,my thought’s were still going through my head , I have been in this work house for years ; cleaning , washing , tiding , not getting fed properly ,  I’ve hade  enough !


After I crept  through the dormitory , I quietly tiptoed down the  dark   gloomy  corridor  until I heard footsteps  behind  me but it was a dead end death surrounded me  . what was I going to do I questioned my self  and then  I saw with the corner of my eye a closet  witch I hid inside .I waited and waited for the footsteps to go and then  peaked just to make sure the cost was clear  and it was so I took my chance and ran .

Freedom. Freedom I could see as I ran towards the old , crooked , black gate while it screamed to me. As I ran, I noticed  I was getting faster and faster because of the excitant but at the same time my face was dripping in sweet ,yet I new I hade to carry on .While I was running I thought I could hear  footsteps and voices behind me , but no it was just my mind tricking me. I could feel the freedom as well as se it ,and I shouted


Then, I heard a voice shouting,

“Get back hear!” so I ran.

by Jasmine

Escape from the workhouse!

This is my life. The breeze was howling on a cold winter’s night and it was louder than the Matron’s voice. Then the Matron opened the door, I closed my eye and hoped for the best. Fear rushed down my throat. Phew, I got away with that. Now, I can escape. I tiptoed across the wooden floor, then I reached out for the door handle which creaked as I turned it slowly. I opened the door, luckily no one was there.

Now, I can escape, all I have to do is go down the corridor. As I reached the corner I tiptoed around and I could see someone, it was the Master. I hid and the darkness surrounded me. He walked straight past me. What good luck. I walked and I walked. I tiptoed and I tiptoed across the wooden floor until I could see the door that leads to the open air. I opened the door and I saw the big grand gates. I thought to myself about how I could get out of here. Then I had an idea, could I fit through the gaps in the gate? I ran as fast as a cheetah and slipped through the gaps and made a run for it…

by Phoebe

Escaping The Workhouse!

“Get to bed you dirty, mucky children!”Every one quickly ran into the creaky, rubbish beds. Silently, the matron went to a different room, with her candle in her hand. I thought to myself should I go and escape now, or later. Carefully, I got up, but the matron came in; I got back in bed. I wondered if everyone else was asleep, but I knew someone was. Slowly, the matron got to me to see if I was awake, and at that moment panic struck  my body, and I got a very cold sweat. Carefully, the matron went onto the next boy. She finally went. Phew! Now this was my chance to escape the workhouse.

I got up on my feet, and started to walk out with without anyone seeing me. Now I was turning corners every so often. Time flew and I was at the last corner, but I saw the owner with a child who tried to escape as well. As quick as a flash I hid in a box and thought is this possible. They now went and I took a short cut, but it was a dead end. NO! I was now feeling that someone was going to capture me. Every minute I could hear footsteps . The corridor was all damp and uneven; after about 30 minutes I stood back up, and looked for the main door, and then I saw the big thing. It was very dark, old, dusty and it looked like it was a Halloween door. Which had been decorated. I finally touched the door which was stood in front of me, and I slowly opened it.  Then I saw the dark, black, dusty monster. I quickly shut the door behind me, and I started moving. Like a cat ready to pounce, I kept on going further, and I could here LONDON! I finally got to the gate, and the wind was just like it was usual. I was free. I finally held tight of the gate, opened it and started to run.

By Will

Escape from the Workhouse

10,11,12. Big Ben’s chime echoed through London .Matron’s voice boomed through the dormitory , “Lights out you filthy maggots!” Can I do this ? Will I survive ? This was my chance for years I have dreamed for this moment .Like a snake , I slithered out of my bed , and onto the cold and dust floor ; splinters  pointed out of it like daggers.   Slowly I rolled under each bed  in   unforgiving darkness . Creek. The old oak door slowly opened as I made my escape . I creped out as quiet as a mouse, you could hear a pin drop . My body sunk into the shadows . Death surrounded me in its trap .


The hallway  was dark , damp and disgusting , mould covered the walls my feet slowly turning black . A rat scuttled in front of me with an old piece of bread . I felt sick with adrenalin . A cold sweat drowned my body as I ran as  fast as my legs could take me because, if I stop they will get me .  There I was,at the old oak door  that guarded the Workhouse .   My mouth was a desert . With one swift movement the door opened I was outside but not safe “Stop right there boy , and get to your room NOW “master exclaimed. I sprinted as fast as I  could to the gloomy,iron gate  as I pushed  myself through a gap I felt something grab my neck .With fear in my eyes I kept on trying to run free until a sharp edge pierced through my skin . Whilst blood was dripping down my neck I pulled my collar and it ripped . I was free .I could here London and the wind howling . I could smell miles of fresh air . Freedom . At last after al these horrible years in that horrible mean place freedom is what I now have .

By Isobel




Escaping the workhouse.

Silence. All i could here was my heart banging against my chest. I couldn’t help itching my back from the irritating duvet. In a blink of an eye, Big Ben chimed. 1o…11…12, now was my time. Slowly, I crept out of my bed, knowing the matron was still awake. I could feel a cold drip of sweat run down my face. Carefully, I turned the door nob; my heart sunk. The floor boards moaned in my ears. I had to hold my tears in.

Finally, I opened the door which led inside the corridor. Fear held on to me. My legs suddenly turned to led My stomach was in knots. I was terrified. I froze as still as a mannequin. Should i do it? I thought. So I ran as fast as my legs could go. Then, there right in front of me, was the door to the outside. My heart felt like it was going to come out of my skin. I rushed through the door. “OW!” I shouted. It was only then when I realized my foot was stuk in the door.

I could see the Matrons door handle turning slowly. I could see her candlelight through the hinges of the door. It was getting closer and closer. Then, the door creaked open. “GET THAT BOY!” shouted the matron. But my leg was stuck. My mouth went dry. Eventually, I slipped through the door. Then, the matron tripped over. I was free! As soon as my bare feet touched cold cobblestone, a rush of excitement rose up my body. Proudly, the big, iron gates stood in front of me.

Behind the gates was the beautiful air of London. It was the gate to freedom. Adrenalin rushed up my spine. I reached my tired, floppy hand to the gate. Like a ballerina, I lept through the gates.

I was free…

By Henry.

Workhouse escape

“Lights out you maggots!” At that point, my head hit the pillow like it was a fluffy cloud. Silent. “Is everyone a sleep?” I thought with my hands sweating with fear. The matron’s footsteps echoed round the room. There was a moan from one of the children as they twisted in bed. This was my chance, I kicked my blanket to the end of my bed, as I slipped out of bed the floor boards creaked. I neatly laid my blanket back on the bed, so the matron wouldn’t see that I am gone forever. As i darted to the door, the creaks of the floor boards sent a shiver through my spine.

As I approached the door and ran, the candle fluttered on the window sill as the air drifted past the delicate thing. Underneath my feet, was the cold stone. As I saw the place I was aiming for, I darted for the door but as I darted for the exit. All of a sudden, out the glimpse of my eye was a candle light. CLICK the door handle turned. What should I do? The clothes cupboard was next to the matrons office. Should I? I took my chance. I scrambled into the cupboard and closed the door as I did that the matron’s office door opened. ” Who’s there?” snapped the matron in her sharp voice. She must of heard my footsteps I whispered to myself. The door was slightly open , so I peered through the gap her boots were black and her dusty dress flowed behind her. When I saw that the shadow had gone on the wall I opened the door a bit more so my foot was on the stone floor. This was my chance, to escape from the workhouse. The corridor was dark and gloomy the glow from the moon had made my shadow appear on the wall. There was a few box’s in the way, but I manged to doge them. I ran my hardest to get to the door. I was out in the fresh air which I have never been out in before. The big black gate stood strong, but I manged to get through them. I was free. Freedom.

By Thea

Escaping from the workhouse

“Lights out, maggots!”At that point,my head hit the pillow like ashes burning my face I felt a spring pop up and hit the side of my ear.Fire hit my face ; I got out of bed.There was a hole in the floor.I fell  then the floor shook!!I heard the matron coming, therefore I hid under the bed so she didn’t see me at all. As, she wouldn’t. In case ,she saw me I would not get told off no,I ran away! She caught me when I ran away.”Help,” I said. Happily, she went back to her office a bit cross with me for breaking the floor board. I was sorry.

By Emily