Archive | December 2017

Victorian Christmas Craft Day

Today, we had a fantastic time! Not only was it Christmas Jumper Day and Christmas Dinner Day, but we also had an entire day of craft making with parents.

There were wreaths, crackers, cards, doily angels and stitching gift stockings being made and they all looked lovely. A big thank you to everyone who was able to come and join in with the crafts and especially to those who came in to help run some of the crafts!

Merry Christmas!

Sheffield Lyceum Panto

Yesterday, the whole school went to Sheffield Lyceum to watch ‘Mother Goose’ pantomime!

We all really enjoyed it (Oh no we didn’t! Oh yes we did!). There were jokes, a 3D experience, water and more jokes. Of course there was also a bad guy. BOO!

Year 5 just wanted to say thank you to everyone in the cast and a big congratulations to the Mother Goose actor who is celebrating his 10th year at the Sheffield Lyceum.


This entry was posted on December 13, 2017. 2 Comments

Let it snow!

Sorry for going quiet, it’s a bit busy here at school!

We had a great time in the snow on Monday, here are a couple of photos. There would be more but Mr C got attacked by snow balls…

Spellings: double ‘r’

This week’s rule links to last week’s stressed ‘fer’ sound. These words are if the ‘fer’ isn’t stressed, meaning you can’t hear it very well.

reference, referee, preference

The rest of this week’s words are from the Y5/6 spelling list!

privilege, profession, programme, pronunciation, queue, recognise

Just 5 minutes a day can really help your spellings. I know it’s a busy time of year for everyone so this is the last spelling rule for the year.

As a Christmas gift, anyone who scores 12 or more (for the 12 days of Christmas!) I will award 1HP. Anyone who gets full marks will receive 3HP!

How to make Origami Stars

After creating paper angels for our house trees, we stepped up our crafting skills and tried to make origami stars.

A few of us managed to create them so here is the video if you want to have a go. Remember, you need pentagonal paper to start.