Hello World!

Welcome to our first post, we are extremely excited! We are here to announce the arrival of our very first class blog! Come on this journey with us through the year and learn with us along the way.

For our first post, we would love to receive comments about where you are viewing our blog.

Also, if you have questions about our school or our blog, please feel free to leave a comment and we will try and respond as soon as possible.

We look forward to posting more in the future!
Everyone in the Year 5 Blackman class

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11 thoughts on “Hello World!

  1. Hi everyone!

    Congratulations on beginning your blogging journey. You’re going to love it!

    I’m currently on family leave but I blogged with my students for many years and we all got so much out of it.

    It’s nearly 8am here in Australia and despite being the start of spring in the Southern Hemisphere, it’s very cold!

    Happy blogging!

    ~ Kathleen

  2. Hi Kathleen!

    Thank you so much for leaving a comment and visiting our blog! We can’t believe we’re talking to someone from Australia.

    It’s starting to turn into Autumn here and it’s become even more drizzly and grey. What a surprise!

    We were wondering whether we could have a look at some of the blogs you’ve done. Could you leave us a few links on here?

    Thanks again,
    From Everyone in Y5 Blackman

  3. Hi again Year 5!

    I hear the weather in your part of the world can be a little grey at times πŸ™

    I have been on family leave for a couple of years now but my class blog before I left was this one http://4kmand4kj.global2.vic.edu.au/

    My team teaching partner from that class is still blogging with her year 3/4 class. Sometimes I even fill in her for her. You should drop by and say hi to the students sometime http://missjordan.global2.vic.edu.au/

    Have you heard of the Student Blogging Challenge? It starts Oct 1 and would be perfect for you to learn about blogging! https://studentchallenge.edublogs.org/

    Best wishes,
    ~ Kathleen

  4. I’m at work, mostly just watching others doing all the work!!! My job today & helping to teach the trainers to do a really good job training. Think these guys may also like wake & shake!

  5. Great blog guys I bet you are going to have so much fun blogging. I’m looking forward to keeping up with your Y5 adventure!

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