Mars Exploration: Part 1!

Today, we explored the surface of Mars and took soil samples from ancient volcano craters!

Using Bicarbonate of Soda, vinegar and play dough, we were able to recreate the lava flow of erupting Martian volcanoes from billions of years ago. With every eruption, we drew where the lava flowed to and then covered it with a layer of cooling lava (play dough). Each eruption was a different play dough colour.

After this, we visited a different volcano and had to decide where to take a sample from. We decided to take it from where we could collect the most layers, and therefore data, in one sample. Our high tech sampling technology was an empty pen!
Below are a range of photos from this afternoon…

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5 thoughts on “Mars Exploration: Part 1!

  1. I’d never done this lesson before and everyone was incredible today, fantastic job! We have a lot of Bicarbonate of Soda and vinegar left.

    I wonder how big an eruption we could make…

    • Cool…..but why and where do Volcanoes exist on earth? We were lucky to visit one in Lanzarote. Please can you give me the answer to that question.? Keep up the good work.

  2. Really enjoying following what you’re all up to in Y5; looks great fun!! Thanks so much for sharing it all with us. We’ll keep looking!

    • ¡Que interesante! Creo que lo probaré en casa con mi hija Sofía. Gracias por compartir vuestra experiencia. Abrazos desde Madrid

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